I apologize for disappearing. It has been a really eventful past few weeks. Let me give you a quick rundown...
Lots of dinners & travel around Bangkok with my girlfriend & her family - her brother arrived on the 25th as well. We wanted to shop and eat and massage our way through the city in the few days we had together... some of it was quite stressful and I would say that starting around Dec 23rd I have been getting approximately 4hrs sleep/night - which I hear is what I should be shooting for during my year at INSEAD!
Dec 26th was the Roka Ceremony which can be considered an Engagement Ceremony (some say its the informal engagement) whereby my parents and my girlfriend's parents agree to stop (rokh) looking for or entertaining any prospective suitors ;) What a day/night/evening/event/ceremony. I'm still reeling from the day's activities...
Dec 27th my girlfriend & her family left for Iowa. It made sense not to extend her trip (and once you read the next few days notes you'll see why).
Dec 28th was the Mehndi Ceremony for a very close friend's bride-to-be. My brother also arrived at around midnight...
Dec 29th = The wedding for aforementioned friend, so I was running around Bangkok trying to figure out random details for the wedding. It was a blast and I remember dancing for about 2hrs and needing to dry clean my suit the following morning!
Dec 30th - 31st I went to a beach resort with my brother and sister-in-law... halfway through our lunch we realized how much we were missing Mom & Dad so we convinced them both to join us for the night! It worked out really well and we were able to relive the good ol days of family vacations to the beach! Really missed my newly Roka-ed family as well ;)
Dec 31st - Jan 1st, first off we spent the night on a cruise with family and friends from India. My maternal grandmother was also there - rang in the new year on the boat watching fireworks all around the Chao Praya River.
Jan 1st I've spent packing and repacking ever since I learned that my airlines MIGHT not allow more than one bag! w00t w00t! what a great realization to come to now!
Pics to be posted. I thank you all for reading and hope to see you soon and/or hear from you as well! Email/Comment/Post/Facebook or just think about me and our fates will align :)
OH - I also have a lot of INSEAD related things to update so I will be posting separately on those topics, including Housing & Medical Insurance!
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