Drive to Koenigsee (King's Lake) |
The past 5 months at INSEAD... I feel like I'm in a dream. Sometimes the words from the movie the Matrix echo through my head:
"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream, Neo? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?"
And I'm not trying to be melodramatic. I'm quite seriously reflecting right now. Some of this came out of a conversation I had with some friends recently when we were just comparing our lives in the bubble to those of you - our support system connected to us outside the bubble and we really feel like we're "plugged in" to some sort of surreal system.
View from a boat on the Lake |
As you obviously know, I love INSEAD. It is a great experience. My whole life I've been a fan of the United Nations, and here I am living this "dream" for a year, surrounded by nationalities I've never interacted with before, learning nuances of cultures, slang in various languages, and quite a bit about myself.
I know some of you, at least those of you who have been keeping up to date with me via email and/or through friends or (to an extent) through facebook have noticed how much I'm traveling. I've visited several cities over several weekends - most of the time trying to bunch them together.
What's funny is that it sometimes feels like my classes too! The 1st two periods of core classes were filled with an entire spectrum of knowledge leaning slightly more towards finance in the beginning and more towards qualitative subjects like strategy and marketing towards the end.
I've honestly felt like I've been going to different cities even in classes. Absorbing whatever I can for the 90 minutes on Financial Accounting, before packing my bags and heading to another city with a completely different view of the world and a cuisine to match in say Financial Market Valuation. And during each trip, through Berlin, Managerial Accounting, Prague, Organisational Behaviour, and so on and so forth, I've realised what is important to me.
Prioritizing what I want to see. Experiencing what is important to my future. Assimilating onward and forward.
And everytime I stop to take a breath I run into a different version of me, racing to explore other nooks and crannies, hopeful to find out yet a little bit more of what there is to offer.
Alps. |