One of the things I LOVED about my research into INSEAD was how the marketing/info-sessions and the admissions process is separate.
That is to say - the person that travels the globe meeting prospective students and asking questions has NO influence in the admissions process.
Why is that good you ask? Why would you NOT want to meet, say, the Admissions Director? Well to be quite honest, it is because so many students get worried about how they "come off" and the first impressions they might be creating in front of the Admissions Committee that they, at times, become self-promotional (hoping that the AdCom remembers them come-application time) to ask direct, pertinent, and at times, difficult questions. This was true of all the info sessions I attended EXCEPT INSEAD's.
People were asking a whole spectrum of questions ranging from PC to Non-PC. The session included clips from YouTube (by current students & alumni) as well as a very candid view of the application and admissions process.
The informal-yet-formal feel of the meet-and-greet made it easier for potential candidates like myself to really feel the significance of the INSEAD experience.
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