View from Hotel Du Louvre |
I'm surprised at the amount of "things" going on right now. There's a Cabaret next Monday. Startup Bootcamp this past weekend where we pitched to actual Angel Investors. Another pitch for another class for New Business Ventures this Friday where we're pitching to 4 other Angel Investors for yet another course. Anyways, I've started compiling a list of things that need to be completed before I leave for Singapore.
2 weeks! July 1st I board a flight to Singapore!!! YIKES! Can't believe it has already been 6 months since I got here and am already halfway through the program about to relocate to Singapore, a city I remember visiting way back when with my family.
Lots has been learned. I apologize, as I often do, for not updating as frequently as I thought. Lots of random things going through my head and I do wish I was better about blogging on the go. Maybe I should come up with an idea to do that - no, not Twitter necessarily - but just blogging on the go. Or maybe I should just join Twitter to stay in touch with everyone. Then again, I find that something like Twitter is almost counter productive to staying in touch. I'm not so important (and neither are Kanye West and Ashton Kutcher for example) for people to hear about my every move but then again with the movement happening here, maybe Twitter would've been a more consistent way to communicate.
I will say this - Emirates Airlines has really not been too friendly. Emirates is prided for service. They say Emirates is this and that. And I don't know if I believe all that about Emirates today. I called Emirates 1800 then Paris then 1800 again and they were just not helpful. First I couldn't get any details about relocation and services they offer. Anyways, I do not feel like ranting anymore about Emirates currently but I will probably post something specifically about Emirates shortly.
Now back to work - Customer Insights paper - which is an amazing course and makes me wonder if I should pursue a PhD in Psych! New Business Ventures document and pitch this week with real venture capitalists or angel investors. Entrepreneurial Strategies in Emerging Markets final about a friend's startup in India - check it out: www.serenewoods.com and finally Advertising & Social Media final presentation and compilation of viral video campaign. Oh, BTW: click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Sgy-5jHC0
WooHOOOooo. Oh yeah, and Finals next week too :D
I miss all of you. Hope you are well. Get in touch!