Monday, March 14, 2011


For those of you that don't know, and I'm hoping you don't, the highways in Germany have no speed limit. They are the last surviving pieces of road in the world of well-constructed open highways, I might imagine, that have this trend. I know there are some other places, but I think Germany has the most extensive setup.

And this past weekend, when I was on my way to Berlin, I was driving.

Now before you freak out, I was in a Peugeot 207, which has a max speed of 210km/hr which means, essentially, that it can only hit about 150 - 160 km/hr (approx 100mph) before it starts to shake a little bit. So no, I wasn't really speeding. Did not get to more like it! But what an experience it was.

You look in the rearview mirror and there are no cars so you're moseying on over to Berlin, doop-di-doo, not a care in the world and then suddenly there's a car right behind you and it is gaining at such speed that you might as well be standing still on the road in your underpants. Why I put in the underpants does not matter as much as the sense of being pretty much helpless.

And you see the ABBs of cars. Not the ABCs. ABBs - Audi, Benz, BMW. Every so often a Scoda or a Ford show up and they are puttering along just as I was, but trying desperately to keep up with the German cars.

One thing I will say though, is that the German sense of efficiency and control and order and whatnot, is unbelievable! They have no speed limit so when there is something written - say 60 or 80 kmph, they will go at that speed. Not 1 above or below. And, all said and done, pretty decent drivers.

What an experience. Glad I can check that off my list. Not sure I'll be driving through the Autobahn anytime again or soon - but - BUT - if I do, it'll have to be in something a little more speedy, which again means I don't think I'll be driving through it as my better half has reminded me that if I do, I am in big trouble :)

Then again, she DOES want to see Germany and sometimes it is about the EXPERIENCE!

Mom - Dad - seriously, I was not speeding. There was no speed limit!!! AHHHHHH HAHA...

Ok people, let's be serious. kmph vs mph and do the conversions. The fastest the German cars were going was about 130 mph which I know that some of you have either done and/or seen done on the Umrikan highways. No biggie.

Great sights in Berlin!


  1. Sounds like you had a lot of fun, hope to try out that road myself some day. Was that your car parked next to the Ferrari 458?

  2. The above comment is by Suraj. He did not realise he was using my email add.

  3. Hey Birthday Boy,
    Hope you had a great day to start this year of your life. We miss you and send you lots of love and tons of blessings. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the Nebraska Mahapatras.
